Friday, March 6, 2009

Something new

Wednesday night we fed the babies cereal for the first time. Up until now they only drank from bottles. I went and got new high chairs and spent the day putting them together. Zack loved the new chair and the little toy on top. Emma hated the chair and screamed shortly after I put her in.
On the flip side Zack didn't eat the cereal at all and Emma ate it well. We also started the babies on juice this week. Zack liked the juice and Emma wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully we can soon find something they both like.


  1. Cute high chairs! I think it's so funny that they like everything completely opposite! They are too dang cute!

  2. Those are such cute pictures, they are getting so big! I also just tried rice cereal with Aiden the other day, didn't go so They are such cute babies!
