Friday, March 6, 2009

Babies Day at the Capitol

Thursday I took the babies on a field trip. We got all dressed up and went up to visit Grandpa and Grandma at the Capitol. The twins got to meet many new people including several Representatives and Senators who thought they were the cutest twins there is. Everyone loved the twins and were excited to hold them and play with them. Grandpa was very busy with a bill that was coming up but he was very excited to take a break and play with the twins for a bit. The twins were very happy and smiled a lot. They talked to everyone that held them and were constantly looking around at this new surrounding. Even though it took over 4 hours to get us ready and out the door we had fun on our outing.

Something new

Wednesday night we fed the babies cereal for the first time. Up until now they only drank from bottles. I went and got new high chairs and spent the day putting them together. Zack loved the new chair and the little toy on top. Emma hated the chair and screamed shortly after I put her in.
On the flip side Zack didn't eat the cereal at all and Emma ate it well. We also started the babies on juice this week. Zack liked the juice and Emma wants nothing to do with it. Hopefully we can soon find something they both like.